Thursday, August 30, 2007


Gratitude equals wealth. Wealth equals gratitude! Certainly the connection seems true on an internal, emotional level. It’s hard to imagine feeling wealthy without also being grateful. And if you’re truly grateful, you probably feel wealthy as well, regardless of your actual circumstances.

Because of this apparent connection between wealth and gratitude, many so-called wealth experts suggest that if you want to increase your wealth, you should focus on being more grateful. This sounds pretty good on the surface and meshes well with the Law of Attraction. The idea is that by feeling more grateful, you’ll feel wealthier and thereby attract more abundance into your life.

A few years ago I managed to catch an episode of Oprah and she presented the topic of 'Gratitude' on the show that day. She surmised that gratitude created the circumstances and life in which she now finds herself. She then encouraged her viewers to practice gratitude on a daily basis by writing what they were grateful for and about. A few weeks later she had a follow-up to this topic. It highlighted her viewer’s experience since they began practicing gratitude. There was an overwhelming outpouring of gratitude to Oprah herself for suggesting this practice as viewers reported a definite shift for the better in their circumstances, feelings and lives!

When I first started practicing the art of gratitude, I listed off the usual things; my home, car, food, health, family, money, job, clothes, you know…the usual things we can see in our immediate surroundings. I have to tell you though, that after a few weeks of reciting my gratitude list it started to become boring and lifeless. It felt like I was paying lip service to it. I wasn’t sure why I continued to do it but I did so anyway. Eventually I progressed towards a deeper understanding of gratitude and found a more effective way to practice it, one that yields much greater external abundance as well!

My initial gratitude listing of home, food, job etc. is ok, but it came from a feeling place of ‘oh well…at least I have this or that’. Not really a strong feeling place to begin creating the life I wanted! The feelings that this type of listless gratitude elicited was cold and weak, but at least it was better than not being grateful for anything at all! If you are still able to find something to focus gratitude upon you're still doing ok!

Over time I eventually moved into a higher level of gratitude. This type of gratitude usually comes over a long time of practicing. It’s like being promoted or graduating, you are now at a different level. You will notice it is time to move to a whole new level of gratitude when you begin to feel like you are now complacent about what you are being grateful about. “Well then, what should I be grateful about?” you may ask. The answer to this will come to you, but I will reveal my own experiences here.

The next level of gratitude should become apparent after some time. Yes, it is good to be grateful for your home and food and things and relationships etc. What happens when something threatens the things on this list? What happens when you lose something on your list or something hurtful occurs? What happens to gratitude then? This is where moving into and living at a different level of gratitude is important!

A higher level of gratitude encompasses not just everything you have but also everything you experience! When I say everything….I mean everything! Car has a flat tire…be grateful; had a fight with the spouse…be grateful; lost your job…be grateful; it’s raining…be grateful! Opportunities abound in each of these types of circumstances! You may have to learn to fix the flat tire and thus gain new insights to your capabilities etc or you may have unknowingly missed the accident that occurred down the road. The fight with the spouse is an opportunity to gain insight into who you are in that situation. If you are an aware person, you will see the opportunity for growth within everything that happens to you. This is how you grow. This is how you evolve. This is how you become a light to others!

Don’t resist life as it unfolds for you, be grateful. An attitude of gratitude allows you to experience your circumstances without being scarred by them and these circumstances change for the better because life will always give you more to enjoy once you are grateful!

You have experienced this yourself! How willing are you to work with people who are ungrateful and complaining and just down right difficult and rude? Probably not very willing at all! How willing are you to accommodate and give to those who are grateful and appreciative? I would guess you go the extra mile for such people; life works the same way! When you find the gem in every circumstance, when you take notice of everything around and utter a brief ‘thank you’ for having it in your life, whether it be the view from your bedroom window, ideas that flow from you, people who are not kind to you, the sunset that day, the squirrel that ran across the lawn, when you start operating from that level of gratitude life magically responds…with the best!

When you feel grateful for existence itself, you move from doing grateful to being grateful. At this level you finally activate the Law of Attraction because you’re broadcasting gratitude all the time. It becomes part of your identity. Ultimately you attract circumstances that resonate with who you are. In her book, 'The Law of Attraction', Esther Hicks explains how the vibrations you emit determines what you bring to you. She gives a powerful set of tools to use to bring your attraction levels where they need to be so you can see exciting results in your life!

Like Oprah suggested...take time each day to express gratitude. Get yourself a journal and begin. Really look for those things that bring expression and beauty to your existence and include those on your list. Believe when I say things will never be the same again!

When your feelings of gratitude are conditional upon temporary circumstances like your stuff, your job, and your relationships, your base identity doesn’t change. But when you root your gratitude in something permanent, it becomes a permanent part of you. Instead of saying, “I am grateful for…” you just say, “I am grateful.”

Don’t take my word for it….prove it!
Start writing gratitude today!

Tomorrow: 10 Percent - The Magic Formula!

Will You Buy Me a Cup of Coffee?

It’s coffee time! Today’s writing is complete and is now published. After an early start of 5am its now time for coffee. I would love to have a vanilla latte…cost of coffee is $4.00. Please click here to pay for coffee! If you did buy me a coffee...let me know...I would like to thank you!

Also, if the information on this site helps or inspires you and you would like to make a comment on today’s article, please click here.

Be sure to bookmark this site, so you can return to it again and again. Many visitors begin their days by spending 15-30 minutes here and report that it helps them become more focused, motivated, and confident.

V. I. P. – Very Inspiring People!

This week’s V.I.P is Gabriel Krekk! Gabriel is a tremendous source of inspiration to his circle of friends and fans alike! My initial introduction to this artist came at a local art showing of his work. Upon entry I was somewhat confused as I thought I would be viewing works of watercolour art….the images I was viewing were least that’s what I thought upon my initial examination. Think of my surprise and amazement when I learned they were indeed watercolour productions! Gabriel’s brushstroke technique is so advanced it brings his subjects to life! His gift as an artist is truly unique and a gift to us all! His gift of inspiration also comes from his dedication to his vision and the hard work that he eagerly gives to this dream on a continual basis. After working 12 hour shifts at his job he takes the remaining hours of his week to produce his wonderful works of art! Last year he met his goal of 14 paintings! This year he is well on his way to meeting his goal of 20! Gabriel is using the power of intention to get his work onto the international stage. Through his own set of intense marketing efforts to galleries across Canada and the U.S., he now has upcoming exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York and Indiana! Offers are beginning to come in from other prominent galleries as well! It won’t be too long before he meets his goal of international stardom as an artist! Please take a moment to visit Gabriel’s “Cybergallery” at his website to view his work and upcoming exhibition dates: Thanks Gabriel for your visionary spirit and spectacular art!

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