("30 Day Success Challenge" will not be posted today, but will appear on Monday)
Didn’t even see it coming…did you? I didn’t…at least not consciously. As I’ve stated in my bio, I am happily jobless. However, this didn’t happen by choice!
In yesterday’s article, Clarity, I spoke of finally making choices that aligned with my values. One of the choices I made was to work from home and build a personal development business. At the time I made this decision, which made my heart sing by the way, I had no idea how I was going to pull this off. I held a full time job and this job enabled me to help participate in the running of our household and gave us the little extras in life. We basically have a comfortable middle-class existence. Quitting would jeopardize that existence. How could I ask my family to live on less and in uncertainty for an unknown period of time? This was a huge dilemma and one I was not comfortable dealing with. However, I entertained the idea for a long time. Because of this ‘secret’, unfulfilled desire, I became increasingly dissatisfied with my life. Resentment started to set in. I knew in my heart I was avoiding doing what I was meant to do…but how could I? After all I had responsibilities to maintain and people to answer to!
The dilemma was finally over. The universe stepped in and through a set of interesting circumstances, I was expunged from the world of work and here I am today…in the jungle!
For those of you who grew up watching Tarzan movies, you quickly surmised that the jungle would be a pretty harsh place to end up. Not exactly the place to hang out unless you were properly prepared to do so. You’d probably need a couple of guides to help maneuver you through the bush, weapons to fight off wild beasts, insect repellant as to not get eaten alive, and nourishment and water. These would be the very basic requirements to have any chance at survival. What happens when all of a sudden you arrive without any of these tools of necessity? If I were you I’d probably start running…fast!
Now as frightening as this all may seem, it would definitely be an adventure of a life-time, if you managed to survive it. This is where I find myself today, in the jungle running fast, having the adventure of a life-time! I also have to tell you that I’ve never felt more alive, on purpose and joyful in all my adult years!
Insect Repellent
The jungle is a place of immense beauty…and bugs! Big ones! I found that out when I no longer had a job. The bugs showed up under the guise of well meaning friends, bills, and family. Friends and family get scared when you’re not on the ‘inside’. They only want the best for you, but through their fear of the jungle, they will lovingly give advice and try to coax you back to safety. Then the bills will begin to pile up. Try swinging merrily from trees when a pile of bills are awaiting your return! Without the luxury of insect repellent the only thing to do is grow thick skin….really, really thick impenetrable skin! This does mean become irresponsible and ignore bills and such, it means don’t get panicked and run back to safety too soon! Take a deep breath and come up with inspired solutions and actions. I will post an upcoming article on how to do this.
When you find yourself in the jungle, having guides to help you avoid dangers such as quicksand, headhunters and cliffs is helpful. Guides are those brave souls who have successfully walked the path you are now on. They too once found themselves in your position and made it out of the jungle safely. If you don’t have such people in your direct circle of influence ask around or read biographies of famous people who went through such times. I am currently being guided through the jungle by a wonderful group of guides I have in my life. Thanks guys!
Weapons to Fight Wild Beasts
Believe it or not, the most dangerous wild beast you will encounter in the jungle is yourself! Yes, you read that correctly, yourself! By now the bug bites are a little itchy and uncomfortable and you are starting to wonder how far back to the entrance of the jungle so you can run back to safety. If at all possible, drop that thought. If you find yourself in the jungle without weaponry, you’ll have to make them up out of what you find in your immediate surroundings. The best weapon at hand is a continuous reversal of your inner, doubting voice (thoughts). Every time you have a negative, defeating thought, immediately change it (I will be posting information on this process in the near future). Go back and read “Moving from De-Motivation to Motivation” when defeats seem to be piling up.
Nourishment and Water
Your chances of surviving the jungle are slim to none without nourishment and water! The most effective form of nourishment and water is information, knowledge and action! The best way to increase your chances of survival is to educate yourself. Educate yourself on the correct way to think. When was the last time you read something to nourish your mind and feed your soul? I have built an immense library of books and tapes that I read and listen to again and again! This is an important secret of life...renew your mind! Great men and women of history knew how to think…and by the way its not the way you were taught by your well-meaning parents, educational system and significant others!
Nourishment and water can also be found in the form of health and well-being. Getting through the jungle is a daily, physical battle…you need the strength to clear away a lot of dense undergrowth to get to the beautiful vistas up ahead. At the end of my day I get to enjoy this. Work on building your physical abilities. Make your body strong! Choose foods that will help your body, mind and soul work as a powerful instrument to take you to the other side of the jungle. I run each morning and do strength training. You won’t believe how powerful you feel when the wild beasts and big bugs show up and you can stand up to them because of your new found strength!
End of the Jungle
My guides have assured me that the jungle has a perimeter so there is an end and therefore an exit. They joke with me sometimes asking if I need an escort back to safety. They have seen many would-be adventurers run back to their old lives because of fear and discomfort. They are truly saddened when this occurs because I am told there is a wonderful sight to behold at the end of the jungle and only a few brave souls will ever get to see it! It is my greatest intention to see this marvelous sight!
Monday: 30 Day Success Challenge
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V.I.P – Very Inspiring Person – Pat Kammer
This week’s VIP is Pat Kammer! Pat has been instrumental in helping me along my own personal development path. She is wonderful, intuitive teacher, guide, healer and most importantly a great friend! Pat uses a highly effective healing technique – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help those near and far clear debilitating symptoms. The results are astounding! She helped me in one session and I am forever grateful! Pat specializes in EFT to help such issues as weight loss, smoking, disease, pain, fear, anger, the list is endless. Pat is a mother, grandmother and a great-grandmother, as well as a respected entrepreneur in her community. Please take a moment to visit Pat to learn more about EFT and her other talents at her website: http://www.patkabundantlife.com/. Thanks Pat for your wonderful work and beautiful spirit!