“As you tithe, so you prosper”, is the promise. Now before I go further, what is tithing? Tithing is the act of giving back to a worthy or spiritual endeavor one-tenth of your income. It is not something that someone dreamed up as a means of getting money out of you! It is a universal prosperity law that has been practiced since the beginning of time as a scientific and orderly method of prospering people on a permanent basis.
People have sometimes had a psychological block against tithing because well-meaning theologians have often stressed what tithing would do for their church or organization rather than what it would do for the individual.
Tithing has many benefits, the top ones being:
Creates abundance thinking. Giving 10 percent of your income allows your subconscious to work from a place of abundance and away from scarcity thinking. If you know you can give cheerfully you are now open to receive abundantly!
Achieve greater abundance/wealth: Tithing is a universal process for wealth accumulation. As you tithe you receive an even greater increase. This entails you to give even more.
Supports great endeavours: The money you tithe helps support the advancement of others if given to organizations that are concerned with the highest good of all concerned.
The practice of tithing has been practiced by many or I would even assume all of the great industrialists ofour time! For instance, did you know that John D. Rockefeller would go around handing out dimes to everyone he met. When I read his biography I learned that when he was a young man working his first job, he would take the first 10 percent and give it to either his church or another worthy cause! The rest let’s say is history! The Rockefeller family today is one of the world’s great philanthropic families! I can go down a huge list of such notables and their experience with the 10 percent law of prosperity!
Giving Cheerfully
A point to note about tithing is one must do so cheerfully. What do I mean by this? I mean you must do so willing and without fear! If tithing is a burden or causes you to feel hardship, I would suggest that you don’t do it! Because you are working with a universal law you are in essence working with cause and effect. If you have negative feelings such as guilt or scarcity or hardship about this practice you will in turn manifests the opposite of what you want. You would do well to keep your money!
Give How You Can
Giving money is not the only way in which to tithe. The following list contains other methods of giving:
Give Time: Find people or organizations that require an extra pair of hands. Give time to those that need it. Remember, you can always make money, but you can’t make time!
Give Friendship: Be a friend to someone that needs one!
Give Appreciation: The world is in desperate need of people who can consistently give appreciation. Notice the good others do and let them know it was appreciated, especially children!
Give Information: The internet is such a popular and powerful tool because its ability to house information 24/7. Become someone that shares knowledge. People always need more information, actually they need it more than things.
Give Talent: Give your skills to someone who can’t afford to pay for it.
Find new and unique ways to give other than the points listed above. The opportunities to give are endless! When you start living this way you begin to notice your life growing abundantly!
I have seen many great givers in my time. What I have yet to see are great receivers! Giving and receiving are on opposites sides of the same coin. You cannot do one without the other, yet many try. How easy is it for you to receive a compliment? How about money? What about love, or help? People think there is something inherently wrong with accepting anything from others. When you deny yourself receiving you are also denying someone's efforts to give…you have now created a block. Open up to receiving. Good things are chasing you all day long! Notice how many times in a day you let things pass you by not accepting. It will shock you actually! When I started to notice how many times a day I would say no or even deny a compliment given in sincerity, I was shocked, then saddened. Saddeden to know I had let many great opportunities for abundance pass me by! If abundance is something you want to circulate in your life on a consistent basis, allow yourself to receive!
Monday: Relationships- All Kinds!
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Will You Buy Me a Cup of Coffee?
It’s coffee time! Today’s writing is complete and is now published. After an early start of 5am its now time for coffee. I would love to have a vanilla latte…cost of coffee is $4.00. Please click here to pay for coffee! If you did buy me a coffee…let me know…I would like to thank you!
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V. I. P. – Very Inspiring People!
This week’s V.I.P is Gabriel Krekk! Gabriel is a tremendous source of inspiration to his circle of friends and fans alike! My initial introduction to this artist came at a local art showing of his work. Upon entry I was somewhat confused as I thought I would be viewing works of watercolour art….the images I was viewing were photographs...at least that’s what I thought upon my initial examination. Think of my surprise and amazement when I learned they were indeed watercolour productions! Gabriel’s brushstroke technique is so advanced it brings his subjects to life! His gift as an artist is truly unique and a gift to us all! His gift of inspiration also comes from his dedication to his vision and the hard work that he eagerly gives to this dream on a continual basis. After working 12 hour shifts at his job he takes the remaining hours of his week to produce his wonderful works of art! Last year he met his goal of 14 paintings! This year he is well on his way to meeting his goal of 20! Gabriel is using the power of intention to get his work onto the international stage. Through his own set of intense marketing efforts to galleries across Canada and the U.S., he now has upcoming exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York and Indiana! Offers are beginning to come in from other prominent galleries as well! It won’t be too long before he meets his goal of international stardom as an artist! Please take a moment to visit Gabriel’s “Cybergallery” at his website to view his work and upcoming exhibition dates: www.gabrielkrekk.com. Thanks Gabriel for your visionary spirit and spectacular art!