Complaining is a highly creative act! The more you complain, the more you call forth your creative energies to attract something to complain about. Your complaints may seem fully justified, "she's done me wrong", "he owes me", "they were rude", etc, but realize that whenever you complain, you are placing your order for more of the same...ugh!
Complaining is not merely about the past. Whenever you make a complaint, realize you are setting an intention (a goal) for the future. Note that complaining is not the same thing as having a negative emotional reaction. That first response, negative reaction, is OK.
Complaining is the act of reinforcing what you don’t want and intending even more of it. It’s the act of dwelling on the negative. Are you the type that tells everyone within earshot of your complaints, not just once, but many times? I did this frequently. I felt it was my right to focus on and willingly share all that was wrong with my world! Now that I am becoming more concious and realized I am choosing only those thoughts that serve me. I cringe when I think of all the time and energy wasted complaining! When I stopped complaining, my situation started to improve!
People who complain trap themselves in a reality that constantly gives them more to complain about. Life keeps beating up on them. Their luck is below average. They never get any real breaks. Unfortunate circumstances, seemingly beyond their control, keep occuring. It seems totally unfair, but it isn’t. The complainers are merely witnessing the fulfillment of their own requests. Every thought is an intention, and complainers habitually intend what they don’t want. So it makes perfect sense they live in a reality aligned with those thoughts. The complainer may tell you their reality is causing their complaints, but it’s more accurate to say their reality is reflecting their complaints.
Complaining is also very addictive. Those of you that work with others know about this phenomena! You may report to be the most enlightened person on the block, however, once you show up among the dedicated complainers at work, and you probably work among some highly skilled ones, you lose your resolve and off you go! The lure and seduction of the 'complaint game' has pulled you in! The more you do it, even within your own mind, the more it becomes a habit and the harder it is to stop.
Complaining and the Law of Attraction
I’ve seen many people claim to be using the Law of Attraction properly, holding only positive intentions and thinking predominantly about what they want to attract. Then after a few weeks of little or no results, they fire off an explosion of complaints:This LoA stuff is nonsense! I gave it a real shot, and it isn’t working for me. Why haven’t my intentions manifested yet? Why does this seem to work for other people but not me? I’ve wasted a lot of time on this and have nothing to show for it! Blah, blah, blah. It’s like planting a seed and then digging it up in a wild thrashing manner to see if it’s growing. You just killed the plant in the process. Now consider this: If someone finds it necessary to kill their plant to verify it’s growing, did they really expect/intend the plant to survive and thrive in the first place? Obviously not. If you know the plant will grow, you won’t dig it up. Similarly, if you intend with certainty that your intention is going to manifest, you won’t lash out with complaints about your failure. You’ll simply continue holding the intention until it does manifest, no matter how long it takes.
In practice you will see some intenders hold their intentions patiently for months and years, while complainers will usually give up within the first 30 days. Why? You might not like what I’m going to say, but the truth is that the complainers were predisposed to eventually give up. Failure was their true background intention. I speak from experience here.
As a young child, my brother held a fascination for fast foreign cars, mostly Ferraris. He would post clippings from magazines over his bed and stare at them for hours on end. As he grew older he would purchase glossy car magazines for his coffee table so his intention would not be far from sight. He would tell people he would one day own such a vehicle! At the time of his daydreaming he had no foreseeable way to purchase this type of vehicle. He saw the end in his mind's eye and that's all that mattered to him. During a recent trip out West he picked me up at the airport in you guessed right...a Ferrari! I immediatley started clipping my own desires!
You see… people who backlash at the LoA for not giving them what they want never fully embraced the LoA in the first place. They were always expecting to fail, simply paying lip service to the idea of positive intentions. But their background thinking remained negative.You can’t fool the LoA. It knows your true expectations, and it isn’t going to release its treasures to those it knows will eventually give up.
The Complainer Seed
Here’s another way to think about this. Consider that if something unfortunate happens to you, and you’re going to complain about it afterwards, then there must have been some kind of complainer seed within you in the first place… before that negative event took place. You must already have been the kind of person who’s predisposed to complain. And if that seed is there, you can bet the LoA is going to pick up on it.Really positive people who are good at manifesting don’t complain. Even when things don’t go their way, they keep directing their thoughts towards the positive side. They expect that things will eventually go their way. They also take action to participate in the positive manifestation. Setbacks don’t make them throw in the towel and curse the LoA because they don’t harbor the complainer seed. They’re not going to be perfect about it, but this is their dominant pattern.
If you want to create the life you really want, instead of one you merely tolerate, you must eventually uproot the complainer seed. This seed is so destructive that it will keep killing the positive seeds you plant. It knows it can eventually destroy them. It knows you’re only fooling yourself. It will make you think the positive seeds you’re planting are really weeds like wishful thingkin.When you finally recognize that the complainer seed will continue to sabotage your efforts as long as you harbour it, make the conscious decision to dump it. Only then can your positive intentions take root without being uprooted.
Whenever you catch yourself complaining, visualize that complainer seed, and imagine yourself uprooting it and throwing it away. Feed it to the birds. Or just toss it in the garbage. Then visualize a positive thinking seed, plant it, fertilize it, and water it. Say to yourself, “I hold the seed of happiness.”
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by light2u
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Monday, August 20, 2007
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