Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Intention vs. Mechanism

What is intention? I use the word quite often but today as I write this I wanted to make certain I truly understood its meaning, so I looked it up in the dictionary:

Intention: what one intends to do or bring about b : the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered.

When making plans or establishing goals many people do so with a specific formula; they try to figure what they should choose based on the tools or resources they have at hand. Or better yet they choose based on how possible the goal may be to attain! This formula marks the basis of why most people do not reach their goals. They are working against the universe; they are working against themselves.

The story of Aladdin’s Lamp is a very famous metaphor for the magic we carry around within us on a daily basis. Aladdin discovers he carry’s with him a lamp that contains a genie that is ready and willing to grant him the desires of his heart! Wow, what a wonderful concept! An entity just waiting to bring you want you want! Wish I had such a thing….oh, but I do! And so do you!

Now just for a moment suspend all disbelief about that last statement. What if were true? What if you truly carried around your own genie, a genie just hanging around, going with you everywhere you go, just waiting for you to issue a command or two or three...what if? What if indeed! Can you imagine the possibilities for your life? Can you see what a difference this would make if you truly believed this?

Now what if this genie of yours popped out and said, “Your wish is my command!” What would you do? Can you in that moment, begin issuing commands (desires, intents, goals) or would you drop the lamp and run screaming into the desert? Many would drop the lamp for fear of not knowing what to command. In a recent article on Clarity, I talked about the importance of knowing what you want. If making a decision about your intentions is difficult, read or reread Clarity. When you have no clear intentions, the genie is still at work. It’s working to deliver what intentions manage to get through. These are the intentions you make while your thoughts are running on autopilot. You know the ones I mean; "I’m bored, I’m tired, life sucks, nothing ever works out for me, I never have enough money, life is hard, people are difficult, I’ll never be successful, I always end up in bad relationships, I think I’m coming down with something". Sound familiar?

The genie doesn’t care if the desire (command) received is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it just goes about doing its job - making your commands a reality!


What is a mechanism…I looked this one up too and discovered it is a system or technique for achieving a result. When goal planning, most of us operate from the mechanism perspective first. We try to determine if we have the necessary tools or resources; money, education, contacts, etc. before we will decide to set the goal. Many do not get off first base because they have determined that they don’t have what it will take to make the goal possible. So they try again with a new goal and again they come up short. This could go on for years and all that is accomplished is a lot of goals that did not ever make it into reality! How sad.

A New Way….

Now let’s look at how you can set yourself up to win. It’s been established that you want to do something, you have made a clear decision about a goal. You have set a strong intention! You are getting butterflies in your stomach because this goal seems a little out of your league. Your first thought at this point might be to scale it back a bit. But hold on…let’s keep going! Alright, so you have set your intention…good! See it as done. Declare to yourself it is done! The next thing you require is a way (mechanism) for this intention to unfold. This is something you don’t have a clue about yet.

This is where it gets interesting! Once you have set a clear and definite intention, once you have firmly declared to the universe what you intend, all manner of occurrences are set in motion to help you. All manner of things will come to your aid...if and only if you don't do anything to stop the flow! Once you make a strong intention keep your eyes and ears open for clues. They will begin to show up. It may take 2-3 days or it may happen instantaneously depending on the intention, but know this, it will happen! Once these clues or coincidences start lining up you can begin arranging them based on how you will need to use them to accomplish your intent. These are the mechanisms!

Let’s say you want to go back to school to earn a degree so you can have a better paying job, but don’t know how you can afford to do so. Start by making a clear intention for it. See it as done. Wait for the clues. Another important point is to start taking steps in the direction of your intent. If school is the intention, begin making inquiries. Check out available resources, ask questions. Start telling people. All of a sudden you will find yourself immersed in resources at your disposal. These resources did not magically appear out of nowhere. Your eyes were opened to them. You were suddenly opened to more possibilities! People may show up with solutions or offer of help. The possibilities are endless! When you apply the formula: Intention (first) + Mechanism (second) you will get the Result. You will see true magic in your life!

When you work the formula backwards: Mechanism (first) + Intention (second) you end up with No Results because you end up talking yourself out of what you want due to fear!

This has been a simplified discussion on the topic of intention and mechanism, but its sufficient to get you thinking about it and how you can better approach what you want to see manifest in your life. There are many great tools to help you establish clear intentions and establish the necessary feeling state to ensure they manifest for you. If you would like further information on this process contact me at: and we can go over intention vs. mechanism and how the Law of Attraction plays a significant factor in your results. There are also many great books on the power of intention that you can read to get you started…just make an intention about it and watch the magic happen!

Tomorrow: Gratitude!

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V. I. P - Very Inspiring Person

This week’s V.I.P is Gabriel Krekk! Gabriel is a tremendous source of inspiration to his circle of friends and fans alike! My initial introduction to this artist came at a local art showing of his work. Upon entry I was somewhat confused as I thought I would be viewing works of watercolour art….the images I was viewing were least that’s what I thought upon my initial examination. Think of my surprise and amazement when I learned they were indeed watercolour productions! Gabriel’s brushstroke technique is so advanced it brings his subjects to life! His gift as an artist is truly unique and a gift to us all! His gift of inspiration also comes from his dedication to his vision and the hard work that he eagerly gives to this dream on a continual basis. After working 12 hour shifts at his job he takes the remaining hours of his week to produce his wonderful works of art! Last year he met his goal of 14 paintings! This year he is well on his way to meeting his goal of 20! Gabriel is using the power of intention to get his work onto the international stage. Through his own set of intense marketing efforts to galleries across Canada and the U.S., he now has upcoming exhibitions in Los Angeles, New York and Indiana! Offers are beginning to come in from other prominent galleries as well! It won’t be too long before he meets his goal of international stardom as an artist! Please take a moment to visit Gabriel’s “Cybergallery” at his website to view his work and upcoming exhibition dates: Thanks Gabriel for your visionary spirit and spectacular art!

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