Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Build a Bridge and Watch Your Dreams Come True!

Ever since Oprah presented the ‘Law of Attraction’ concept (The Secret) on her show some months back I have been enjoying listening to people’s reaction to it. For those that heard it for the first time, excitement abounded. For those that have been practicing this law for sometime, it merely gave credence to what they already knew and were doing.

When I heard it was on Oprah’s show I was cautiously excited. I was excited because this information was coming out into the mainstream, thus mass consciousness. I was also cautious about it because I knew that some of those that were just introduced to this concept would expect it to work like magic and when it didn’t would say it doesn’t work and put it aside. I suppose the reason I am cautious is I personally have known about the attraction process for years and I still have not mastered it. Not to say that I couldn’t have done so years before, but I’ve discovered there is a process to this whole thing and one not so easily come by. Let me explain….

The experts say one needs to do the following to bring your dreams to reality:

1. Decide what you want
2. Ask for it
3. Expect it with positive thoughts and feelings
4. Wait

I have over simplified the process but it’s basically the method. Now over the years I have met with some success following the above method. Many things and experiences I desired did come to pass. They took some time which is ok, but I always felt that I didn’t seem to have a good grasp on what I was doing. I finally figured it out during a morning run I took last week!

In the community in which I live, we have a bridge that runs over a Bay. I run under this bridge every morning. One morning last week as I was running I looked at the bridge and a thought struck me, a very ordinary one, but monumental in its simplicity….I thought that in order to get to the other side a bridge is required or it would take a lot of work to cross the water! Voila! Of course….in order to get to the other side of my dreams I must build a bridge!

I believe a lot of people are under the misconception that by using the attraction principle they only have to have good thoughts about what they want and it somehow appears. Not so! The attraction principle is a tool to help you focus and draw the circumstances for you to build the bridge necessary to bring your desires into manifestation.

Let’s take the example that you desire $1 million dollars. This is an exciting goal for most people. So now let’s say you know the attraction process and set out to make the million happen. That’s all you do…you think about it. Then after some time has passed you wonder why the money is not in the bank. The money is there in theory. What I mean by that is the moment you asked for it, the money aligned itself ‘out there’ to get ready to show up in your experience but it can’t get to you because there is no way for it to do so…the money has no bridge to cross over to you!

What does bridge building look like? Building a bridge to the million dollars could look like an inspired idea to build a business, acquire more education or skills that you could sell or contract out, investments, etc. Building a bridge simply means opening doors for the money to appear….no door, no entrance, no money! Use the law of attraction to make your bridge building process easy and effortless. Use the law to acquire inspired ideas and actions. Use the law to ‘coincidently’ meet those people that will help you move forward with your ideas. Use the law to keep you motivated. Without the law bridge building becomes difficult. Non-use of the law is the main reason many people abandon their dreams before it got a chance to get off the ground!

In the September issue of the ‘Personal Development4U’ newsletter I will be expanding on the bridge concept as well as some bridge building tools such as the following:

Law of Thinking
Law of Supply
Law of Receiving
Law of Increase
Law of Compensation
Law of Non-Resistance
Law of Obedience
Law of Success
Law of Sacrifice

Once you understand all the pieces to making your dreams a reality…building bridges will be as easy as running under them! Don’t miss this exciting series of information, much of which is not found in the mainstream! Sign up to receive the newsletter which is due out soon!

Tomorrow: Living a Life of Excellence!

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Will You Buy Me A Coffee?

It’s coffee time! Today’s writing is complete and is now published. After an early start of 5am its now time for coffee. I would love to have a vanilla latte…cost is $4.00. Please click here to buy me a coffee! If you did coffee…let me know… I would like to thank you!

Also, if the information on this site helps or inspires you and you would like to make a comment on today’s article, please click here.

Be sure to bookmark this site, so you can return to it again and again. Many visitors begin their days by spending 15-30 minutes here and report that it helps them become more focused, motivated, and confident.

V. I. P -- Very Inspiring Person

This week’s inspiring person is Michael Bruinix. Michael is one of those rare individuals who have developed a strong sense of self! The minute you meet him you know this a fact! From the age of 13 Michael began his journey on the path of personal development by attending workshops in Canada and the U.S. in Gestalt therapy, Focusing art therapy, shamanism, past life regression and many others. Actually, he took his first personal development workshop when he was eight! His mother organized a play therapy group because she wanted to ensure he knew how to deal with his feelings! Now how wonderful is that?! Michael has since gone on to earn a few degrees and has made an intense study of psychology, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy and somatotherapy. He currently has a physical therapy practice as well as a counseling practice. Michael also has his own business helping people who need access to legal advice through prepaid legal services. Michael is a true inspiration. He is very clear about his intentions and works towards helping others acquire the same! Thanks Michael for your energy, insight and strength! Please visit Michael’s website to learn more about access to legal services at: http://www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/mbruinix

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